Actual Avail Date
Actual Order Date
Actual Receive Date
Actual Ship Date
The actual date the part is available, ordered, received, or shipped. These dates are downloaded from the host, usually on a daily basis. The first time Order Plan creates an order, these values will be blank (null). You can change the value by entering a value in the box or by using the Calendar button () to select a date. Process your changes immediately by clicking the Process Dates button ().
Allocated Original
Client-driven value usually meaning that a part is on hand but already committed to another requirement.
Allocated Original is the value from the host system, and Allocated is the rolled up value.
Amount Custom (1-15)
Custom fields for amounts derived from the IPCS_STOCK_AMOUNT table.
Amount Requested
The desired quantity of a particular part. This value is tracked for auditing purposes, in case the amount requested and the amount available do not match. For example, if a field location needs 10 units and Central has only 7 to give, the Order Quantity would be 7 and the Amount Requested would be 10.
[only on Procurement page]
Approval Status
Indicates whether the order is approved.
Possible values include:
• Needs approval (color coded red on the Planner Worksheet)
• Auto approved
• Manually approved
• No change from current order
• Reviewed and no change to be made
Approved Balance
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
The approved inventory position at the beginning of the day - essentially the input inventory.
Approved Repair Balance
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
The approved repair inventory position at the beginning of the day - essentially the input repair inventory.
Available Date
The date the ordered parts will be available. This date reflects the date that Order Plan uses when planning.
Available Quantity
The amount of parts made available on the Actual Avail Date.
Backorder Original
The original backorder amount that came from the host system.
Backorder Count
Indicates the backorder count (if any) for the SKU. Click a linked value in this column (if it is other than zero) to get more information.
Bad Available In Future
Future returns of bad parts using NFF rates OR future amounts coming from down-chain parts on bad orders depending on how roll up flags (roll up good, roll up bad, or roll good as bad) are set. Calculated as In Return * (1 - NFF).
Calculated Need
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
The actual procurement requirement for the part regardless of chain amounts.
Calculated Need = Stock Max - Recommended Balance
Calculated Repair Max
Internal field storing the Repair Max quantity as calculated by the system. This can be different from Repair Max if the Repair Max Override value is entered.
Calculated Repair Need
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
The actual repair requirement for the part regardless of chain amounts.
Calculated Repair ROP
Internal field storing the Repair Reorder Point as calculated by the system. This can be different from ROP if the ROP Override value is entered.
Calculated ROP
Internal field storing the ROP as calculated by Servigistics. This can be different from ROP if the ROP Override value is entered.
Calculated Safety Stock
Internal field storing the Safety Stock quantity as calculated by the system.
Calculated Stock Max
Internal field storing the Stock Maximum quantity as calculated by Servigistics. This can be different from Stock Max if the Stock Max Override value is entered.
Carry Cost Override
The override amount if the Carrying Cost recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Carrying Cost
Carrying Cost established through parameters or set on the part.
Carrying Cost is the percentage of part value equaling the annual cost to hold that part in inventory, including the costs of depreciation, insurance, facilities, time value of money, etc.
Also known as holding cost.
Commitment Level
Supports manufacturing environments where the date of an order is significant. The closer the order date comes to the current date, the less flexible it is to change. Servigistics supports up to four commitment levels, where level 4 is the most flexible and allows all orders to be recalculated. The other three levels impose restrictions that are definable in the Ordering parameters.
Count In Netting
Yes indicates that this part will be included in the forecast netting computation. No indicates that this part will NOT be included in the forecast netting computation.
[only on Replenishment page]
Count in Order Plan
[Applicable only for trigger point order policies]
Flag set at the order level to indicate if an order is to be seen by the Order Plan process or not. This setting overrides the ordering parameter setting.
RECOMMENDATION: Set Count In Order Plan to No when Use Aggregate Balance Amounts is set to Yes if you are planning to bring host orders into the ORDER_PLAN table in order to avoid double counting (from both the Stock Amounts and Order Plan records).
Cushion Time
The difference in days between the Need By Date and the Expected Date. A negative Cushion Time means you will need stock before you are scheduled to receive it.
Cushion Time = Need By Date - Expected Date
Custom Level (1-5)
Custom fields for levels derived from the IPCS_STOCK_LEVEL table.
Custom Monetary Value (1-5)
Custom fields for part prices/costs derived from the IPCS_PART_MASTER table.
Days On Hand
This is calculated based on the GENERATE_OP_SL_OUTSTOCK_DAYS global setting.
• When the global setting is set to false, the Days On Hand value is calculated by Stock Levels process as
(On Hand New + On Hand Fixed)/ Average Daily Demand Rate)
• When the global setting is set to true, the Days on Hand value is calculated as follows:
◦ For customers using Stock Levels process, iplan will still calculate the Days On Hand value as:
(On Hand New + On Hand Fixed)/ Average Daily Demand Rate)
◦ For Time Phased pairs: Days on Hand is based on when the planned On-Hand Good goes below zero. It relies on the Planned On Hand Good goes below 0 review reason.
◦ For Trigger pairs, Days On Hand is calculated as:
(On Hand New + On Hand Fixed)/ Average Daily Demand Rate)
When Forecast is zero, then Days on Hand is displayed as a blank
• Where Average Daily Demand Rate is defined as:
◦ If level source is MEO/SIO (Inventory Optimization) then the Average Daily Demand Rate is equal to IPCS_STOCK_LEVEL.OptDailyDmdRate
◦ If level source is Levels then the Average Daily Demand Rate is equal to IPCS_STOCK_LEVEL.SLDemandPerDay
Demand Satisfaction Override
Demand Satisfaction entered by the user, which overrides the value entered by the system.
Destination Location Custom (1-10)
Custom fields used for the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Description (1-5)
The description of the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location ID
The unique identifier of the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Name
The name of the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Region
The name of the region associated with the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Region ID
Unique Region identifier associated with the Replenishment's Destination Location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Type ID
The unique identifier of the location type associated with the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Destination Location Type Name
The location type name associated with the location where the replenishment part is to be sent.
[only on Replenishment page]
Effective Available Date
The date calculated when the Planned Available Date is in the past and the Actual Available Date is not populated. Since the order has not been made available, the Order Plan process must calculate a new available date, from today or in the future, to recognize when the order will be available. The Effective Date calculation takes into account these Planned Dates and Actual Dates of the Host Order:
• Processing
• Shipping
• Put Away Lead Time
• Calendar
Effective Order Date
The date calculated when the Planned Order Date is in the past and the Actual Order Date is not populated. Since the order has not been placed, the Order Plan process must calculate a new Order Date, from today or in the future, to recognize when the order will be placed.
The Effective Date calculation takes into account these Planned Dates and Actual Dates of the Host Order:
• Processing
• Shipping
• Put Away Lead Time
• Calendar
Effective Receive Date
The date calculated when the Planned Receive Date is in the past and the Actual Receive Date is not populated. Since the order has not been received, the Order Plan process must calculate a new Receive Date, from today or in the future, to recognize when the order will be received.
The Effective Date calculation takes into account these Planned Dates and Actual Dates of the Host Order:
• Processing
• Shipping
• Put Away Lead Time
• Calendar
Effective Ship Date
The date calculated when the Planned Ship Date is in the past and the Actual Ship Date is not populated. Since the order has not been shipped, the Order Plan process must calculate a new Ship Date, from today or in the future, to recognize when the order will be shipped.
The Effective Date calculation takes into account these Planned Dates and Actual Dates of the Host Order:
• Processing
• Shipping
• Put Away Lead Time
• Calendar
Expected Date
The date an order is expected to be received if the procurement order is placed today.
Fair Share Priority
The fair share priority value for the part.
Fair Share Priority is a feature that is used when replenishment requests are being made for more than is available at the source (replenishing) location. Here's how it works. If there is not enough stock at the source location, then all field locations requesting replenishment are provided with enough of the part to reach Safety Stock in Fair Share Priority order. This means that the location assigned Fair Share Priority 1 is replenished to Safety Stock first, Priority 2 is second, and so on until all locations (up to 99) are brought to Safety Stock. Then, if there is still part stock left, the cycle starts again, but this time the central location replenishes the locations in priority order until they reach the ROP. Any remaining stock is distributed on the basis of number of Days On Hand, meaning that the SKU with the least gets another part.
[only on Replenishment page]
Forecast Stream/ID
The forecast stream associated with the part.
[only on Replenishment page]
Yes indicates that the order cannot be changed (it is "frozen"), because it has been promised to a vendor or manufacturer.
From Part Name
Name of a source part where, once repaired, it was counted toward this part. Applies to repair orders only.
From Part Number
Number of a source part where, once repaired, it was counted toward this part. Applies to repair orders only.
Good Available In Future
Future returns of good parts using NFF rates OR future amounts coming from down-chain parts on good orders depending on how roll up flags (roll up good, roll up bad, or roll good as bad) are set. Good Available in Future = In Return * NFF
Hold Available Date
Available date to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Hold Bad Quantity
The bad quantity that needs to be repaired and has been added to repair orders that are currently on hold.
[only on Repair page]
Hold Order Date
Order date to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Hold Plan Until
Allows for suspending Order Plan for the selected SKU until the date entered. The Order Plan engine will not recommend any orders until the entered date is reached.
Hold Quantity
Quantity to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Hold Receive Date
Receive date to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Hold Ship Date
Ship date to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Hold Transport Mode Name
Transport mode to be used if the hold order (if one exists) has not expired.
Host Order ID
Unique ID for this order, derived from the host system.
Host Purchase Order ID
Reference to the Purchase Order Agreement linked to this order.
In Repair
In Repair Original
Client-driven value - usually means the number of parts actually in process - also known as Repair WIP (Work in Process).
In Repair Original is the value from the host system, and In Repair is the rolled up value.
In Repair Bad
In Repair Bad Original
Client-driven value - usually means material in repair and not yet repaired.
In Repair Bad Original is the value from the host system, and In Repair Bad is the rolled up value.
In Repair Good
In Repair Good Original
Client-driven value - usually means material still in repair but already repaired.
In Repair Good Original is the value from the host system, and In Repair Good is the rolled up value.
In Return
In Return Original
Client-driven value - usually means bad material returned for exchange or repair under an RMA (Return Material Authorization). In some cases, this is the sum of In Return Bad and In Return Good.
In Return Original is the value from the host system, and In Return is the rolled up value.
In Return Bad
In Return Bad Original
Client-driven value - usually means bad material returned for exchange or repair under an RMA (Return Material Authorization).
In Return Bad Original is the value from the host system, and In Return Bad is the rolled up value.
In Return Good
In Return Good Original
Client-driven value - usually means good material returned for exchange under an RMA (Return Material Authorization).
In Return Good Original is the value from the host system, and In Return Good is the rolled up value.
Indicates if the order is being received by the location (inbound) or if the order is leaving the location (outbound).
[only on Repair and Replenishment pages]
Is ASL Item
Yes indicates that the part is on the Authorized Stock List; No indicates that the part is NOT on the Authorized Stock List.
Is Part Kit
Yes indicates that the part includes one or more kittings. No indicates that the part kit is a normal part.
Is Rework
Indicates if the repair order is a rework, which means that a good part will be repaired to a different good part.
[only on Repair page]
Last Order Date
The date of the last order for the selected part at the location.
[only on Procurement page]
Last Order Quantity
The quantity of the last order for the selected part at the location.
[only on Procurement page]
Last Planned
The date when this order was last planned by Order Plan.
Last Uploaded Date
The date when this order was last uploaded to the host system.
Life Cycle Order
Indicates whether the order is constrained by lifecycle parameters.
Loc ID
Unique identifier that is assigned to the location.
Location Active
Yes indicates that the location is active and is to be included in planning.
Location Critical
Yes indicates that the location is critical. Used for segmentation.
Location Custom (1-10)
Custom fields for locations derived from the IPCS_LOC_MASTER table.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Location Description (1-5)
The description of the location for the order. Note that more than one field is provided to use for different languages.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Location Name
The name of the location that placed the order.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Location Replenishment Source Loc ID
Replenishment Source Location unique identifier named by the Destination Location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Location Replenishment Source Loc Name
Replenishment Source Location named by the Destination Location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Location Type
The type of location used for the order.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Lock Until Date
Prevents this order from being modified until the current date is greater than or equal to the Lock Until Date.
Locked By Planner ID
Indicates the ID of the planner who set the Lock Until Date.
Lot Size
The smallest available order quantity multiple for a given part.
LTB Status
The status of the Last Time Buy process.
• Not Approved indicates that the last time buy process is not approved
• Approved indicates that the last time buy process was approved but is still not complete
• Done indicates that the Last Time Buy process is approved and completed
Measure of Effectiveness Used
The measure of effectiveness used to calculate the optimal levels for the SKU.
Minimum Order Quantity
The smallest quantity of this part that may be ordered at a time.
[only on Procurement page]
Need By Date
The expected out of stock date, considering both on-hand and on-order quantities. Assumes previous orders will arrive at their average lead time and that usage will be as forecasted. Calculated as Today + (30 * (On Order + In Repair + In Return - Backorder + On Hand Good - Allocated + Proc Req Amount + On Hand Bad) / Forecast)
Need To Upload
Set by various processes, cleared upon upload. This is only used for notification that an order is approved and ready to be uploaded. It does not actually upload the order plan row.
A set of related locations, defined on the Networks page. Networks allow balancing of excess quantities of On Hand stock to be limited to the selected Locations that are within the Network. Locations outside of the Network are not balanced.
On Hand Bad
On Hand Bad Original
The number of bad parts in stock at this location that are awaiting a repair order. Separate stock from In Repair, for which a repair order is in progress.
On Hand Bad Original is the value from the host system, and On Hand Bad is the rolled up value.
On Hand Fixed
On Hand Fixed Original
Client-driven value - usually means available stock that has previously been repaired (for the purposes of identifying stock that cannot legally be resold as new).
On Hand Fixed Original is the value from the host system, and On Hand Fixed is the rolled up value.
On Hand Good
Available good stock.
On Hand New
On Hand New Original
Available stock that can be legally sold as new. For some customers, this may include On Hand Fixed quantities.
On Hand New Original is the value from the host system, and On Hand New is the rolled up value.
On Hold Until Date
A date in this field indicates that the order has been put on hold until the date.
When the On Hold Until Date expires, one of two things can happen for the order:
• If the order has planned values, the order becomes a regular order.
• If the order has NO planned values, the order is deleted.
You can edit this date directly on the page.
Click here for more information about holding orders.
On Order
On Order Original
Client-driven value - usually means the quantity expected at the location of a given part from a supplier.
On Order Original is the value from the host system, and On Order is the rolled up value.
Order Cost
Reference Order Cost
Reference Order Cost Currency
Order Cost is the cost to place a procurement order for the part.
Reference Order Cost/Currency is the Order Cost in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Order Cost Override
Reference Order Cost Override
Reference Order Cost Override Currency
Order Cost Override is the override amount in your local currency if the Order Cost recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Reference Order Cost Override/Currency is the Order Cost Override in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency
Order Date
The date the parts were ordered for the location. This date reflects the date that Order Plan uses when planning.
Order Details
The details of multiple parts involved in Repair or Replenishment order recommendations.
When the OP_WRITE_PART_DETAIL global setting is set to true, the Order Details column is populated with a hyperlink that opens the Order Details pop-up window.
If there are order details, the Order Details field is populated with a hyperlink. If no orders exist for the part/location combination then the Order Details field is blank.
Order History
Indicates the count (if any) of history records for the order. Click a linked value in this column to get more information.
Order ID
Unique order ID assigned by Servigistics.
Order Plan Locked
Indicates that this order has been locked.
Order Policy
A set of rules that govern how orders are recommended. The Order Policy is assigned to an Ordering Parameter, which is assigned to a part or SKU. These are the available order policy types.
• Time-Phased ROP (Introduced in the release)
Order Status
The status of an order. The valid order status entries are:
Order Status Last Update
The last date that the Order Status was changed.
Order Type
Indicates the type of order: Procurement, Repair, Balance, or Replenishment.
Orig Avail Date
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Avail Date or Recommended Avail Date is different from the Orig Avail Date.
Orig Order Date
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Order Date or Recommended Order Date is different from the Orig Order Date.
Orig Quantity
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Qty or Recommended Qty is different from the Orig Qty.
Orig Receive Date
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Receive Date or Recommended Receive Date is different from the Orig Receive Date.
Orig Ship Date
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Ship Date or Recommended Ship Date is different from the Orig Ship Date.
Original Transport Mode ID/Name
Set as a baseline for comparison. Notifies the planner when the Planned Transport Mode or Recommended Transport Mode is different from the Original Transport Mode Name.
Out of Stock Date
The date when On Hand New will be zero at the current demand rate.
Out Of Stock Date = Today + (30 * (On Hand New + On Hand Fixed)/Forecast)
Part Active
Yes indicates that the part is active and is to be included in planning.
Part Chain Status
Indicates if the part is in a part chain and, if so, the part's position in the part chain. Possible values include:
• Not In Chain,
• Top Most Part,
• Down-Chain Alternate, and
• Down-Chain Replace.
Part Cost
Reference Cost
Reference Cost Currency
Part Cost is the amount paid to acquire the part in your local currency.
Reference Cost/Currency is the Part Cost in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Part Critical
Yes indicates that the part is critical. Used for segmentation.
Part Custom (1-20)
Custom fields for parts derived from the IPCS_PART_MASTER table.
Part Description
The description of the ordered part.
Part Family
The part family to which a part belongs (such as hard drive, monitor, etc.). Used for segmentation.
Part ID
The ID of the part for the order.
Part Name (1-5)
The name of the ordered part. Note that more than one field is provided to use for different languages.
Part Number
The number of the part.
Part Repairable
Yes indicates that the part is repairable.
Part Replenishment Source Loc ID
Source Replenishment Location identifier defined by the part.
[only on Replenishment page]
Part Replenishment Source Loc Name
Source Replenishment Location defined by the part.
[only on Replenishment page]
Part Serializable
Yes indicates that the part can have a serial number.
Part Type
The type of part. Used for segmentation.
When set to:
• Current - The order is updated from the host (it cannot be updated by the Generate Order Plan process).
• Planned - The order is recommended by Order Plan.
• User - The order is updated by a planner.
Planned Avail Date
Approved available date for the order. You can change the value by entering a value in the box or by using the Calendar button () to select a date. Process your changes immediately by clicking the Process Dates button (). |
Planned Bad Quantity
Calculated as:
(Planned Qty) / (1 - Repair Wash Rate)
[only on Repair page]
Planned Line Value
Planned Quantity * Part Cost for all order types except repair.
Planned Quantity * Repair Cost for repair orders.
Planned Order Date
Approved order date for the order. You can change the value by entering a value in the box or by using the Calendar button () to select a date. Process your changes immediately by clicking the Process Dates button ().
Planned Quantity
Approved number of parts to be included in the order.
If Planned Bad Quantity is editable and a value is entered, Planned Quantity is updated as:
(Planned Bad Qty) * (1 - Repair Wash Rate).
Planned Receive Date
Approved receive date for the order. You can change the value by entering a value in the box or by using the Calendar button () to select a date. Process your changes immediately by clicking the Process Dates button (). |
Planned Ship Date
Approved date on which the order will be shipped by the supplier. You can change the value by entering a value in the box or by using the Calendar button () to select a date. Process your changes immediately by clicking the Process Dates button (). |
Planner Code
The Planner Code assigned to the part.
Planner Name
The name of the planner assigned to the part.
Primary Procurement Vendor Location Custom (1-5)
Custom fields for the primary vendor locations of procurement orders derived from the IPCS_VENDOR_LOC table.
Primary Procurement Vendor Location Description
The description of the location of the primary vendor for procurement orders.
Primary Repair Vendor Location
The location of the primary repair order vendor.
Primary Repair Vendor Location Custom (1-5)
Custom fields for the primary vendor locations of repair orders derived from the IPCS_VENDOR_LOC table.
Primary Repair Vendor Location Description
The description of the location of the primary vendor for repair orders.
Primary Vendor Location
The location of the primary vendor.
Procurement Length
The length of the Procurement pipeline - the number of days it takes to get new parts to field locations from central locations.
Procurement Length Override
The override amount if the Procurement Length recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Procurement Requested Amount
Procurement Requested Original
The quantity of a part requested for procurement.
Procurement Requested Original is the value from the host system, and Procurement Requested Amount is the rolled up value.
[only on Procurement page]
Procurement SD Override
The override amount if the Procurement Standard Deviation recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
[only on Procurement page]
Promised Ship Date
The ship date supplied by the vendor.
Purchase Agreements
Indicates the count (if any) of purchase agreements for the order. Click a linked value in this column (if it is other than zero) to get more information.
Purchase Order ID
Unique identifier assigned by the host system to the purchase order ID.
Purchase Requisitions
Indicates the count (if any) of purchase requisitions for the order. Click a linked value in this column (if it is other than zero) to get more information.
PWS Custom (1-15)
Custom fields for the Planner Worksheet derived from the IPCS_ORDER_PLAN table.
PWS Custom 1 Last Modified
The most recent date that the PWS Custom 1 field was edited.
Receive Date
The date the ordered parts were received.
This date reflects the date that Order Plan uses when planning.
Received Quantity
Actual quantity of parts received from the order.
Recommended Actions
The action Order Plan recommends for the order or the status of the order.
The following describes the possible actions/statuses:
• Unchanged: No action recommended. This status provides an indication that Order Plan has not recommended changing an existing order.
• Expedited: Order Plan has recommended expediting an order, meaning that the newly recommended available date is earlier than the available date of the order.
• Deferred: Order Plan has recommended deferring an order, meaning that the newly recommended available date is later than the available date of the order.
• Increased: Order Plan has recommended increasing the order quantity.
• Reduced: Order Plan has recommended decreasing the order quantity.
• Cancelled: Order Plan has cancelled the order, meaning that the newly recommended quantity is zero.
• Overdue: Order Plan outputs a new effective date due to the overdue status of the order.
• Newly Created: Order Plan recommends creating a new order.
• Constrained: If the recommended quantity of a replenishment order is less than the amount requested, then it is constrained by the availability of inventory at the replenishment source.
• Alternate Transport Mode: If the recommended transport mode of an order is different than the planned or primary transport mode, the order is using an alternate transport mode.
• Within Lead Time: The recommended available date is within lead time.
• Vendor Split: Order Plan has recommended changes due to the results of splitting orders by vendor.
• Group MOQOrder: Order Plan has recommended changes due to the results of ordering based on Vendor Group Min Order Quantity.
Recommended Avail Date
Calculated date on which the parts in the order will be available.
Recommended Bad Quantity
Calculated as:
(Recommended Quantity) / (1 - Repair Wash rate)
[only on Repair page]
Recommended Balance
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
The recommended balance at the beginning of the day. This might be different from the Approved Balance in case of trigger walk since the recommended modifications to input orders will potentially change the balance to which Order Plan recommends an order.
Recommended Balancing In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended balance transfers coming in - ordered today at source.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Balancing Out
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended balance transfers going out today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Line Value
Recommended Quantity * Part Cost for all order types except repair.
Recommended Quantity * Repair Cost for repair orders.
Recommended Order Date
Calculated date on which the order will be placed.
Recommended Procurement In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended procurements coming in, i.e. ordered today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Quantity
Calculated number of parts to be included in the order.
Recommended Receive Date
Calculated date on which the order will be received.
Recommended Repair Balance
The recommended repair balance at the beginning of the day.
Recommended Repair In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended repairs coming in, i.e. ordered today.
Recommended Repair Out
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended repairs (reworks) going out today.
Recommended Replenishment In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended replenishments coming in, i.e. ordered today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Replenishment Out
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended replenishments going out today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Ship Date
Calculated date on which the order will be shipped by the supplier.
Recommended Substitution In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended substitutions coming in today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Substitution Out
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended substitutions going out today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Transport Mode ID/Name
The transport mode recommended by the Generate Order Plan process.
Recommended Up-Chain In
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended chain transfers coming in today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
Recommended Up-Chain Out
[only applicable for trigger-based planning]
Recommended chain transfers going out today.
Click the linked value to go to list of recommendations.
The geographic area to which a location is assigned. Regions are defined on the Regions page and can be used for aggregation and other configurations such as segmentation.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Remaining Due in Quantity
Any remaining quantity of the order not yet fulfilled.
Repair Cost
Reference Repair Cost
Reference Repair Cost Currency
Repair Cost is the cost to repair a part in your local currency. (Used in calculating Repair EOQ.)
Reference Repair Cost/Currency is the Repair Cost in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Repair EOQ
Repair From Part ID
ID of a source part where, once repaired, it was counted toward this part. Applies to repair orders only.
Repair Length
The average number of days required to repair or scrap this part and forward it back to the stocking location.
Repair Length Override
The override amount if the Repair Length recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Repair Max
Repair Max Override
The override amount if the Repair Maximum recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Repair Order Cost
Reference Repair Order Cost
Reference Repair Order Cost Currency
The cost to process one repair order.
Reference Repair Cost/Currency is the Repair Order Cost in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Repair Order Cost Override
Reference Repair Order Cost Override
Reference Repair Order Cost Override Currency
Repair Order Cost Override is the override amount in your local currency if the Repair Order Cost recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Reference Repair Order Cost Override/Currency is the Repair Order Cost Override in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency
Repair Requested Amount
Repair Requested Original
The quantity requested for repair.
Repair Requested Original is the value from the host system, and Repair Requested Amount is the rolled up value.
Repair ROP
Repair ROP Override
The override amount the Repair ROP recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Repair SD Override
The override amount the Repair Standard Deviation recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Repair Wash Rate
Repair recommendation quantities are factored by the Repair Wash Rate (which is a percentage). For example, if the Repair Wash Rate = 10% and 10 good units are required to meet demand, then 11 units of on hand bad will be required and assumed used on the assumption that one unit will wash out during the repair process.
Repair Wash Rate Override
The override amount if the Repair Wash Rate recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Replenish Order Cost Override
Reference Replenish Order Cost Override
Reference Replenishment Order Cost Override Currency
Replenish Order Cost Override is the override amount in your local currency if the Replenishment Order Cost recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Reference Replenishment Order Cost Override/Currency is the Replenish Order Cost Override in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Replenishment Length
The average number of days required to replenish this part to another location within the field service network.
Replenishment Length Override
The override amount if the Replenishment Length recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Replenishment Order Cost
Reference Replenishment Order Cost
Reference Replenishment Order Cost Currency
Replenish Order Cost is the cost to replenish a part in your local currency.
Reference Replenishment Cost/Currency is the Replenish Order Cost in the reference value/currency.
Click here for more information about local and reference currency.
Replenishment Requested Amount
Replenish Requested Original
The quantity requested for replenishment.
Replenish Requested Original is the value from the host system, and Replenishment Requested Amount is the rolled up value.
Replenishment SD Override
The override amount if the Replenishment Standard Deviation recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Replenishment Source Location ID
The ID of the replenishment source location. Applied to converted replenishment actions.
Return Length
The average number of days required to return this part to a repair center.
Return Length Override
The override amount if the Return Length recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Return SD Override
The override amount if the Return Standard Deviation recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Return Wash Rate
Return Wash Rate is a factor (percentage) used to forecast returns. Forecasted returns are normally used in time-phased planning to project on hand bad quantities. It is normally calculated as:
Forecast * (1 - Return Wash Rate)
Return Wash Rate Override
The override amount if the Return Wash Rate recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
ROP Override
The override amount if the ROP recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Safety Stock
The Safety Stock for the SKU.
Safety Stock Override
The override amount if the Safety Stock recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
Sales Orders
Indicates the count (if any) of expected orders from a customer with status. Click a linked value in this column (if it is other than zero) to get more information.
Sales Returns
Indicates the count (if any) of sales returns for the order. Click a linked value in this column (if it is other than zero) to get more information.
SCS Time Gate Period
Indicates the Time Gate period an order falls into.
Schedule Change Suppression has Time Gates from 0 to 4. If an order's available date is between Time Gate 0 to Time Gate 1, then it will be marked as "TG0-1." If null, then either Schedule Change Suppression is not enabled or the order falls out of Schedule Change Suppression Time Gates.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Ship Date
The date the ordered parts were shipped.
This date reflects the date that Order Plan uses when planning.
Shipped Quantity
Actual quantity shipped.
Shortage Date
The date when a critical shortage condition begins. Critical shortages occur when a part is understocked at a location. This means that the part stock level is below the Safety Stock multiplied by the Critical Shortage Threshold.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
SKU Custom (1-15)
Custom fields for SKUs derived from the IPCS_SKU table.
Source Location Custom (1-10)
Source locations custom fields.
[only on Replenishment page]
Source Location Description (1-5)
The description of the replenishment source location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Source Location Name
The name of the replenishment source location.
Source Location Region
The region for the replenishment source location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Source Location Type
The location type for the replenishment source location.
[only on Replenishment page]
Spread Amount
Calculated field. Shows how much of a recommended quantity is derived from spreading requirements.
Stock Maximum
The Stock Maximum for the SKU.
[only on Procurement and Repair pages]
Stock Maximum Override
The override amount if the Stock Maximum recommendation has been overridden somewhere in Servigistics.
[on Procurement page only]
System Impact
The reduction in statistical expected backorder due to the order recommendation multiplied by the lead time. The System Impact can be used to the rank the orders for review. The higher the number, the higher the business risk. Calculated as:
Transport Mode ID
Unique identifier assigned by the host system to the Transport Mode.
Transport Mode Name
Name of the transport mode used to deliver the order.
Unit of Measure
Indicates how Weight per Unit is measured (i.e., pounds, grams, liters, etc.).
Upload Action
When set to:
• Changed - The order changed since the last upload.
• Uploaded - The order was uploaded to the host system.
• Not Uploaded - The order was never uploaded.
Uploaded Since Last Change
Yes indicates that the order has been uploaded to the host system since the last change.
Vendor Location ID
System-assigned ID for the vendor location, which is the supplier for this order.
Vendor Location Name
Name of vendor location that is the supplier for this order.
Weight Per Unit
The weight of one unit in the selected Unit of Measure (pounds, grams, liters, etc.).