Holding Orders
You might need to place an order on hold to be revisited at a later time. For example, suppose your supplier is out of stock and needs time to be able to verify availability for an expedite. In this situation, you can enter the order but place the order on hold until a specified date.
When the hold-until date expires, one of two things can happen for an order:
When a hold-until date expires for an on hold order with planned values, the order becomes a regular order.
When a hold-until date expires for an on hold order with no planned values, the order is deleted.
When an order is on hold, it can be processed just like any other order. For instance, you can edit it or approve it. When an on hold order is approved, the hold-until date is removed and the order is ready to be uploaded.
Related Review Type
When a hold order is getting close to expiring, a review type of 215 is generated and posted to the Order Plan tab on the Review Board.
To hold an order:
1. View the type of orders you want to work with procurement, repair, or replenishment.
2. From the Procurement, Repair, or Replenishment page, select the orders you want to hold.
3. Click Manage on the main toolbar.
4. Enter the hold-until date in the Set On Hold Until Date for Selected Orders box.
The hold-until date must be greater than today's date.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes. Notice that the action icon column is color-coded green for on hold orders.
7. To see the on hold date on the page, look in the On Hold Until Date column. If you do not see this field, you need to add the column to the grid configuration.
To remove a hold:
1. View the type of orders you want to work with procurement, repair, or replenishment.
2. Select the orders for which you want to remove a hold.
3. Click Manage on the main toolbar and click Remove On Hold Until Date for Selected Orders.
4. Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
To edit a hold-until date:
Ensure that you can see the On Hold Until Date field on the Procurement, Repair, or Replenishment page. You may need to add the column to the grid configuration.
Edit the date in this field for the order directly on the page.
Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
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