Order Sequence of Pricing Policies
The order sequence in which pricing policies are listed on the Pricing Policies page is significant. It is possible for a SKU to belong to more than one pricing policy. However, a SKU can only be processed by the AutoPilot within one pricing policy. Therefore, when a SKU belongs to more than one pricing policy, it will be processed within the pricing policy that is listed topmost in the list of pricing policies on the Pricing Policies page.
The order sequence of pricing policies only matters in policy folders where Run as AutoPilot = Yes - the Change Sequence button does not appear otherwise.
For example, on the following Pricing Policies page, you see Atlanta 102 listed first (top) and Atlanta 103 listed second. If a SKU belongs to both of these pricing policies, it will only be processed by the AutoPilot in Atlanta 102 since that policy is listed first on the Pricing Policies page.
To change the order sequence of pricing policies on the Pricing Policies page, follow these steps.
1. Using the
Go to box, enter
pricing policies. The Pricing Policies page appears.
2. Set Policy Folder (at the top of the page) to the folder you want to work with. The pricing policies included in the selected folder are listed on the page.
3. Click
. The Change Sequence of Parameters window appears.
4. The pricing policies are listed in order from highest (top) to lowest (bottom) priority.
To change the order, do one of the following:
Highlight one or more pricing policies and click the
Move Up button (
) or
Move Down button (
) to move the pricing policies up/down one line.
Highlight one or more pricing policies and click the
Move To Top button (
) or
Move To Bottom button (
) to move the pricing policies to the top/bottom of the list.
| To highlight multiple pricing policies, press and hold the SHIFT key while clicking to select a range of pricing policies or press and hold the CTRL key while clicking to select pricing policies randomly. |
5. When you are finished, click Save.