Part List
A list of parts, with no locations associated, managed on the
Part Lists page. There are two ways a Part List can be used:
• For the Pricing module, Part Lists are very useful when assigning prices to a group of parts. For example, suppose that new costs have been received for a large number of parts from a single supplier, and your company is eager to rerun pricing on this limited subset of parts. Such a supplier-specific list of parts probably does not overlap with already existing pricing policies and segments (and you would prefer not to rerun every single policy in the system, when only a small percentage of overall parts are affected). Thus, using part lists is a very appealing option in such a case.
Servigistics does not use part lists directly. The Part Lists are combined with locations to create SKUs in Part List Work Queues. Then the Part List Work Queues are processed by the system.
• For all other modules, Part Lists can be created and then used as segment criteria.
See also