Glossary > —A— > Auto Approval Horizon
Auto Approval Horizon
The range of time that applies to the Order Date when auto approval can occur.
If Order Limit Periods are used, then the Order Limit Periods are applied to approve orders only up to the specified Auto Approval Horizon.
In the Horizon Days box, enter the number of days into the future procurement/repair orders can be auto approved.
In the Horizon Lead Time Multiplier box, enter the multiplier to apply to the order pipeline length (procurement or repair). Then, orders can be auto approved only until the end of the adjusted pipeline length.
For example:
Horizon Days
Horizon Lead Time Multiplier
Pipeline Length
Auto Approval Horizon
NULL, all orders are auto approved
0 or NULL
0, orders with an Order Date = the current date are auto approved
40, orders with a recommended Order Date in 40 days (including today) are auto approved
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