Glossary > —A— > Additional Retention Days
Additional Retention Days
Provides additional days that are added to the NuNAD calculation at the source SKU to limit the amount of material available for balancing. These additional days are applied in addition to the default lead time calculations for all balance types.
For example, if you want to balance back excess from the field to the warehouse but want an additional 14 day buffer before a replenishment order is created from the field, you can set the Additional Retention Days to 14.
When the source is a Time Phased Order SKU, then the need over the additional retention days is calculated like NuNAD:
(need/period) - (incoming supply/period)
When the source is a Trigger Point SKU, then the need over the additional retention days is calculated as follows:
Additional Retention Days * Demand Rate Per Day
Sales orders are included as part of the Trigger Point SKU over the defined Additional Retention Days if the OP_INCLUDE_SALES_ORDERS_TO_CALC_TRIGGER_INVENTORY_POSITION global setting is set to true
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