Glossary > ā€”Sā€” > Segment Coverages
Segment Coverages
Segment Coverages are the conditions that define which parts are to be included in the segment on the Segments page. For example, all parts with a cost less than $1,000. A segment can have multiple Segment Coverages.
Depending on how your server is configured, Segment Coverage definitions may be case sensitive. For example:
Segment Coverage
Segment Includes
Part Custom 1
Part Custom 1 = a
Part Custom 1
Part Custom 1 = a and A
Therefore it is best to always use upper-case letters.
Segment Coverages are defined using equations. For example, if you want to include all procurable parts in your segment, you would create a Segment Coverage for the segment as follows:
Coverage segments are joined together in the form of an algorithm using an And or Or connector. For example, suppose you wanted to create a segment that applied to expensive and manufactured parts for the northern regions. You might create segment coverages like this:
Part Type is equal to Manufactured And Standard Cost is greater than $1000 And Region starts with North
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