Glossary > —O— > Outlier Correction
Outlier Correction
A factor applied to the standard deviation which defines the limit to which you want the Outlier Adjustment to correct the demand history point. A higher value results in a smaller Outlier Adjustment value. The value entered can be between 0 and 5.0.
Setting the Outlier - Correction to 0 corrects the Outlier - Definition point to history average (mean).
Setting the Outlier - Correction to 2.0 would adjust outliers to +/- 2 standard deviations from the history average.
Outlier - Correction cannot be greater than Outlier - Definition.
This field is not displayed when either of the following are true:
Outlier - Management is set to Ignore
Use Confidence Level for Outlier Adjustments is set to All
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