Condemnations of Customer Period Forecast that happen at the customer site
Customer Period Forecast * Return Wash Rate
Condemnations of Customer Period Forecast during the repair process
Customer Period Forecast x(1 - Return Wash Rate) x (1 - NRTS) * (1 - NFF) * (Repair Wash Rate)
Condemnations of Repairable Period Forecast from Below
If the APPLY_NFF_TO_INT_RETURN_FCST global setting is true then Repairable Period Forecast from Below * (1 - NRTS) * (1 - NFF) * (Repair Wash Rate)
If the APPLY_NFF_TO_INT_RETURN_FCST global setting is false then Repairable Period Forecast from Below * (1 - NRTS) * (Repair Wash Rate)