An empty star
The page cannot be added as a favorite
Click to display the list of pages that are selected as favorites and select one to go to that page |
A white star
The current page is not selected as one of your favorites
• Click the star to add the current page to your favorites list • Click to display the list of pages that are selected as favorites and select one to go to that page |
A highlighted star
The current page is selected as one of your favorites
• Click the star to remove the current page from your favorites list • Click to display the list of pages that are selected as favorites and select one to go to that page |
Delete icon that appears next to a favorite page
The favorite can be removed from the list
Click this icon to remove the corresponding favorite from your favorites list
Sort icon that appears next to a favorite page
The favorite can be moved in the list
Select this icon to drag and drop the favorite line to a different location in the favorites list