Dealer Planning Workflow
The Inventory Collaboration feature provides a specialized menu for the Dealer Role. Follow these suggested steps to use the feature effectively.
1. Open the
Inventory Collaboration page to analyze the SKU at a detail level to determine if the calculated levels are acceptable or if they require adjustments via overrides.
2. Select a row on the SKU Levels container to populate the other containers on the page with data for the selected SKU
3. Compare the Optimized levels to the, Minimum and Maximum levels, and the Optimized levels on the SKU Levels container
4. Enter Fixed override levels if necessary
5. Select a status from the Production Status dropdown list to take action on the SKU for the selected scenario
ā¦ If values are acceptable, select Approved
ā¦ If values are not acceptable, enter overrides in the SKU Levels container and click Disapproved